Custom Handfasting Cord

  • From $80
  • Pick 3 colors
  • Add up to 7 charms

What Do the Colors in the Handfasting Cords Represent?

These are the most common definitions associated with handfasting ceremonies, some couples will give different meanings based on their personal relationship. Say, for example, the color 'purple' was the bride's mother's favorite hue, she may select that one as a nod to her own family member. How many should you pick? If you choose to have the color of the cords included in the ceremony, pick one or two meanings per color, not all of them.

  • passion, strength, lust, fertility
  • Encouragement, Attraction, Kindness, Plenty
  • charm, confidence, joy, balance
  • finances, fertility, charity, prosperity, health
  • tranquility, patience, devotion, sincerity
  • Power, piety, sanctity, sentimentality
  • strength, wisdom, vision, success
  • purity, concentration, meditation, peace
  • neutrality, canceling, balance
  • unity, honor, truth, romance, happiness
  • earth, grounding, talent, telepathy, home
  • treasure, values, creativity, inspiration
  • energy, wealth, intelligence, longevity